In this episode you get to follow me down the rabbit hole after a series of visionary experiences turned my world inside out. 

We begin with a little Shamanism 101 and then, because every practitioner is different, I talk about how my shamanic experiences have changed my perception of the nature of reality and my approach to shamanic healing – specifically, how shamanic healing can address unhealthy patterns playing out in your unconscious mind. 

We discuss the benefits of being in relationship with animal and nature spirits.

Marie asks me about the menu of services offered at my wellness center and we talk about the importance of meeting clients where they’re at. 

I talk about the incredible growth and healing that can happen as a result of becoming your own shaman. 

I also share how challenging it was for me to reconcile having a foot in 2 worlds – the rational world of the mental health clinician and the dreamtime world of the shamanic practitioner.

If you’re curious about the services offered at my wellness center:

Shamanism - in person and long-distance healing sessions
Energy Genesis - light and sound healing sessions

Or in becoming your own shaman: The Magical Path workbook

Contact Lucid Cafe host, Wendy Halley: Lucid Path Wellness

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