Contributor(s): Candice Howarth | The translation of climate policy into “on the ground” actions in our communities should deliver healthier, more prosperous and resilient cities with reduced greenhouse gas emissions, but how can we achieve that, and fast?
Local councils have now declared climate emergencies across the UK, but the impact and effectiveness of these declarations on enhancing long-term climate action has yet to be seen. What do these declarations mean for future climate governance and mechanisms for engaging stakeholders and the public?
Meet our speaker
Candice Howarth is a Senior Policy Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at LSE, leading the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN) activities. She Chairs the Royal Geographical Society Climate Change Research Group, sits on the Royal Meteorological Society Climate Science Communication group, the London Heat Risk Group and the UCL Policy Commission on Communicating Climate Science.
This film is part of the 'Festival Shorts' series, 10-minute talks by LSE experts released during Festival week
Keywords: Shaping the Post-COVID World, climate emergency, climate crisis, policy, local councils, local government, social policy.