Contributor(s): Pilita Clark, Professor Helen Margetts, Chi Onwurah MP | What will the long-term consequences of the pandemic be for the rise of new communication technologies and the changing nature of work?
Pilita Clark (@pilitaclark) is an Associate Editor and business columnist at the Financial Times.
Helen Margetts (@HelenMargetts) is Professor of Society and the Internet at the University of Oxford and the Programme Director for Public Policy at The Alan Turing Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Chi Onwurah (@ChiOnwurah) MP is the Shadow Minister for Science, Research & Digital.
Robin Archer is Director of the Ralph Miliband Programme and Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Political Sociology at LSE.
The Ralph Miliband Programme (@rmilibandlse) is one of LSE's most prestigious lecture series and seeks to advance Ralph Miliband's spirit of free social inquiry.
This event forms part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative, convening a series of debates about the direction the world could and should be taking after the crisis, collaboratively producing a roadmap for the future.