Speaker(s): Sir Ronald Cohen | Envision a world that moves in only one direction: forward. A world where inequality is shrinking. Where natural resources are regenerated, and people can unlock their full potential and benefit from shared prosperity. A world focused not only on minimizing harm, but on doing measurable good. Join us for this talk by Sir Ronald Cohen about his new book, Impact: Reshaping Capitalism to Drive Real Change. Ronald Cohen (@sirronniecohen) is a philanthropist, venture capitalist, private equity investor, and social innovator, who is driving forward the global Impact Revolution. For nearly two decades, his initiatives have catalyzed global efforts to drive private capital to serve social and environmental good. He serves as Chairman of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment and The Portland Trust. He is a co-founder of Social Finance UK, USA, and Israel; and co-founder Chair of Bridges Fund Management and former co-founding Chair of Big Society Capital. He chaired the G8 Social Impact Investment Taskforce (2013-2015), the UK Social Investment Task Force (2000-2010) and the UK’s Commission on Unclaimed Assets (2005-2007). You can order the book, Impact: Reshaping Capitalism to Drive Real Change, from our official LSE Events independent book shop, Pages of Hackney. Orders from Pages can only be delivered to UK addresses. Viewers who are not based in the UK can order the book here. Nava Ashraf (@profnavaashraf) is Professor in the Department of Economics and Research Director at the Marshall Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). As the Research Director she leads the Marshall Institute’s effort to imbue private action for the public good with the science that illuminates how to maximise its impact. The Marshall Institute (@LSEMarshall) works to improve the impact and effectiveness of private action for public benefit through research, teaching and convening.