Contributor(s): Dr James Abdey | Data-driven decision-making and the ability to communicate a large amount of information to audiences efficiently are vital in any industry. Bringing data to life in meaningful ways can identify important trends, patterns, relationships, and anomalies that facilitate successful strategies. It is also necessary to construct models to deep dive into the world of data analytics.
From forecasting to “understanding the causes of things”, join Dr James Abdey as he considers the essentials for an analyst’s statistical toolbox in a post-COVID world.
Meet our speaker
James Abdey is Assistant Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Statistics at LSE. His research interests include market research techniques and forensic statistics – the interplay of statistics and the law. Outside of academia, he has worked on various quantitative-based consultancy projects in areas including the art market, and the World Gold Council, he has also given seminars at the UK parliament. He is Course Convenor of LSE’s online certificate course Data Analysis for Management.
More about this event
This event is part of the LSE Festival's 'Skills for a Post-COVID World' series. LSE experts discuss research trends in their field about professional skills we need for success in a post-COVID world. The series is hosted by LSE Executive Education and Online Learning. Find out more about online certificate courses.
The LSE Festival: Shaping the Post-COVID World is running from Monday 1 to Saturday 6 March 2021, with a series of events exploring the direction the world could and should be taking after the crisis and how social science research can shape it.
Twitter hashtags for this event: #LSEFestival