Loving Generously: Giving Ourselves One to Another is our second series on leveraging our understanding of what it means to be generous.  

Over the next five weeks we will join the Donovan family and their journey as they encounter a new perspective of loving generously.
In week 4 we are confronted with the truth that we as followers are "called out" by Jesus to make a difference in the world...and sometimes that may cost us.  Centering on the truth of John 15:18-19 Jesus reminds his followers that the choices they make to llive for him may not be accepted by our neighbors.
Yet we also wrestle through a hard question this week:  If our church would to disappear would anyone notice?  
The truth of the cost of loving others is made clearly through our ficitional friends, Frank and Cassie Donovan as the recieve much criticism from their neighbors as they open their home to those in need.  
The challenge question for the week:  What kind of resistance would you receive from others for expressing Jesus Christ's love in the world?  

Loving Generously: Giving Ourselves One to Another is our second series on leveraging our understanding of what it means to be generous.  

Over the next five weeks we will join the Donovan family and their journey as they encounter a new perspective of loving generously.
In week 4 we are confronted with the truth that we as followers are "called out" by Jesus to make a difference in the world...and sometimes that may cost us.  Centering on the truth of John 15:18-19 Jesus reminds his followers that the choices they make to llive for him may not be accepted by our neighbors.
Yet we also wrestle through a hard question this week:  If our church would to disappear would anyone notice?  
The truth of the cost of loving others is made clearly through our ficitional friends, Frank and Cassie Donovan as the recieve much criticism from their neighbors as they open their home to those in need.  
The challenge question for the week:  What kind of resistance would you receive from others for expressing Jesus Christ's love in the world?