Loving Generously: Giving Ourselves One to Another is our second series on leveraging our understanding of what it means to be generous.  

Over the next five weeks we will join the Donovan family and their journey as they encounter a new perspective of loving generously.
In our final week we are time together we focused on a simple truth: as Christ Followers  who are united with Jesus Christ we are blessed to show His love.  
We are invited into living out what many have called The Golden Rule:“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.Scripture: Matthew 7:12.
The key takeaway is this:  We should be people who give themselves to loving everyone God puts in our path.
 The challenge question for the week and the wrapup of the message series:  

What concrete steps can you make towards more fully entering into the joy of Christian love and unity?

Loving Generously: Giving Ourselves One to Another is our second series on leveraging our understanding of what it means to be generous.  

Over the next five weeks we will join the Donovan family and their journey as they encounter a new perspective of loving generously.
In our final week we are time together we focused on a simple truth: as Christ Followers  who are united with Jesus Christ we are blessed to show His love.  
We are invited into living out what many have called The Golden Rule:“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.Scripture: Matthew 7:12.
The key takeaway is this:  We should be people who give themselves to loving everyone God puts in our path.
 The challenge question for the week and the wrapup of the message series:  

What concrete steps can you make towards more fully entering into the joy of Christian love and unity?