Part 1 of a special holidays low FODMAP recipes episode. If you struggle for ideas of what to prepare for your next special holidays or Christmas, that is IBS friendly for you, but also tastes delicious for your family and friends, here are some simple ideas.

In this episode, and for the next couple of weeks, we are going to talk about low FODMAP recipes for the holidays. I have chosen to do this so that you could get some ideas about what to prepare for those special occasions like Christmas or other special holidays that you may celebrate with your family. You may be inviting guests to your house, and if you are in charge of doing most of the cooking, you can easily prepare these low FODMAP dishes for everyone else as well and they will still taste fantastic. Alternatively, if you are invited to someone else’s home, you could bring a couple of these safe dishes and at least you will have something delicious and low FODMAP to eat.

The links to these recipes, including their ingredients and all the instructions can be found in the show-notes for this episode.

To read the show-notes for this episode, please visit