When we talk about choosing love over fear in parenting, we’re talking about what is motivating our behavior toward our kids––and the motives we want to foster in them. We are actively trying to get them to manage themselves to make choices and behave in ways that promote and protect healthy connection. A reminder that as we look at parenting, these truths not only apply to listeners who have children, but also help us understand our relationships with our parents, with authority, and with God himself.


If you want to develop your character and build a whole, healthy family of your own, visit LovingOnPurpose.com and get all of our online courses plus access to additional training and resources.

Visit https://lovingonpurpose.com/ now!


Referenced Resources:
Coffee, Kids, & Crazy Podcast
Apple Podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-kids-and-crazy/id1437672748
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/5CZGLpDSK5Lhcl7suEPmOG
YouTube- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkhlpzDb67iC4eJUPlfmQB7qXF3xy9gFf

Loving Our Kids On Purpose (Book)