Ben Amos Interview: Using Video Strategically (Business Episode)
Welcome back to the Love Your Story interview land. Today we embark on a business episode in our interview with Ben Amos from Austrailia. Ben is a passionate online video strategist and the host of Engage with Story podcast. He is the founder and creative director of Innovate Media; an online video strategy and production agency based in Queensland, Australia. His podcast is all about exploring the power of storytelling in moving people to action in your business strategy. He talks with expert story artists from around the world deep diving into storytelling for business. I’ve asked him on the podcast today to talk about the angle of strategy. Stay tuned for our discussion from the land down-under.

Stories are our lives in language. Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. I’m Lori Lee, and I’m excited for our future together of telling stories, evaluating our own stories, and lifting ourselves and others to greater places because of our control over our stories. This podcast is about empowerment and giving you, the listener, ideas to work with in making your stories work for you. Story power serves you best when you know how to use it.

In our business episodes we often discuss the importance of using story to connect with clients or employees, stakeholders or potential investors, but today we’re getting into the angle of how to grow market reach by strategically using story. This is Ben’s area of expertise. So, welcome to the Love Your Story podcast Ben.


Listen to the audio for the interview with Ben Amos



With any business endeavor, embarking with a strategy in mind, rather than using the throw a handful-of mud at the wall and see what sticks approach is generally the best idea. This way the money you are spending, the audience you are reaching, the efforts being put into the business have a purpose and end plan. Using story IS the most powerful way to connect with people in order to create a space of interest and a form for remembering what you’ve communicated, but when we tell the stories with purpose we are taking steps directly toward our goal.

Sun Tsu, Ancient Chinese Military Strategist said, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory, tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” 

Your strategy is what Ben is talking about – the vision he helps his client get before stepping on to the trail, and the tactics are the use of stories in the appropriate places to achieve this strategy.

Thanks for tuning in today. Have a great week creating your best stories and if you haven’t signed up for the 21-Day Challenge yet, go to ( and hop on the train of testing out fun story tools in this guided 3 week challenge. There’s more information on it on the website, and reach out if you have questions about it. For those of you already in the challenge – keep up the great work and momentum! You’re rockin it! See you next week.

For more information on Ben:

[email protected]

Insta and Twitter: @engage_ben

Free video strategy course:


Ben Amos Interview: Using Video Strategically (Business Episode)

Welcome back to the Love Your Story interview land. Today we embark on a business episode in our interview with Ben Amos from Austrailia. Ben is a passionate online video strategist and the host of Engage with Story podcast. He is the founder and creative director of Innovate Media; an online video strategy and production agency based in Queensland, Australia. His podcast is all about exploring the power of storytelling in moving people to action in your business strategy. He talks with expert story artists from around the world deep diving into storytelling for business. I’ve asked him on the podcast today to talk about the angle of strategy. Stay tuned for our discussion from the land down-under.

Stories are our lives in language. Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. I’m Lori Lee, and I’m excited for our future together of telling stories, evaluating our own stories, and lifting ourselves and others to greater places because of our control over our stories. This podcast is about empowerment and giving you, the listener, ideas to work with in making your stories work for you. Story power serves you best when you know how to use it.

In our business episodes we often discuss the importance of using story to connect with clients or employees, stakeholders or potential investors, but today we’re getting into the angle of how to grow market reach by strategically using story. This is Ben’s area of expertise. So, welcome to the Love Your Story podcast Ben.


Listen to the audio for the interview with Ben Amos



With any business endeavor, embarking with a strategy in mind, rather than using the throw a handful-of mud at the wall and see what sticks approach is generally the best idea. This way the money you are spending, the audience you are reaching, the efforts being put into the business have a purpose and end plan. Using story IS the most powerful way to connect with people in order to create a space of interest and a form for remembering what you’ve communicated, but when we tell the stories with purpose we are taking steps directly toward our goal.

Sun Tsu, Ancient Chinese Military Strategist said, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory, tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” 

Your strategy is what Ben is talking about – the vision he helps his client get before stepping on to the trail, and the tactics are the use of stories in the appropriate places to achieve this strategy.

Thanks for tuning in today. Have a great week creating your best stories and if you haven’t signed up for the 21-Day Challenge yet, go to and hop on the train of testing out fun story tools in this guided 3 week challenge. There’s more information on it on the website, and reach out if you have questions about it. For those of you already in the challenge – keep up the great work and momentum! You’re rockin it! See you next week.

For more information on Ben:

[email protected]

Insta and Twitter: @engage_ben

Free video strategy course: