Toxic relationships are a hazard to your health – equally or worse than bad eating habits, low self-esteem, and a stressful job.

Environmental toxicity: A marriage relationship, in particular, tends to be the dumping ground for all the garbage we collect from work, relatives, friends and even media.  


Inherited Toxicity:     Some bad habits tend to be carried from one generation to another. 

Acquired toxicity: low self-esteem, physiological issues and repeated negative feedback from your spouse and or friends or family. This is your personal talk, the voice inside you that keeps telling you that you are not enough, that you are inferior, that you cannot achieve the goals you set, that your spouse doesn’t love you back as you would like. 

Remember, what is not acknowledged does not get attended to. To help deal with toxicity within your marriage you need to identify the source, close the channels and cleanse yourself of the inherent effects.

Please download the toxicity buster template and do a self-diagnosis with your spouse. The template may not be exhaustive and you are welcome to add on any toxins you notice in your relationship.  The aim is to remedy and cleanse yourselves of these recurrent problems.  It is also important that you deal with the sources of the toxicity as a team and heal each other as a team.  Marriage is a work in progress and therefore requires the two of you to work together.

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