What does a judge or jury look for when a witness testifies? This episode helps you appreciate the value of a seasoned litigation expert at your side during a contentious  family law case.  If you're facing trial in a contentious divorce or other types of litigation such as a modification or temporary orders hearing, this is a do not miss episode.  

Rick discusses how to relax into the experience so that you can control your emotions while testifying and show up as the best version of you and as a parent.   You'll also learn how to avoid creating "bad evidence" by taking ownership of your actions. You'll also get a peak into a moment in time in the courtroom when he reveals how one of his most famous clients, Anna Nicole Smith, fumbled on the witness stand, potentially costing her the fated outcome of her case.

Find Litigation Consultant and Trail Psychologist Rick Goldberg at www.rickmgoldberg.com.