It's 3 days before Christmas as I record this special episode.  This is not my usual all-talk episode or guest interview.  Today, in this heartfelt episode, I'll guide you through a visualization exercise that promises to lift your spirits and shift your emotional state towards love and joy. 

So find yourself a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed, put your ear pods in and get ready to transform.  This powerful meditation will change your whole day, if not your entire holiday. 

If you are a childless woman, and you want more of this, meditations and visualizations are something we do a lot of inside the Women of Worth group immersion and I'm opening up a new cohort in January.   Head to my IG account and DM me "ep 90" if you want to find out more. 

Where to find Sheri:

Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching

If you want to create your best life in 2024, even without kids, download my free guide.  You'll discover how to find purpose, joy and fulfillment and what might be standing in the way. 
Click here for your free guide