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I think for most of us, there’s potentially a long process of coming to the realization that you are going to be a childless woman.  There’s no one big moment.  And yet, it still catches us totally off guard.

You grow up assuming you’ll become a mother one day.  You have no reason to believe that you won’t be.  Whenever you meet a childless couple, you don’t even really register it or think about what their life is really like.  You’ll never be that person so it doesn’t even enter your mind.

And yet, there IS a moment when you suddenly realize, oh my goodness, I’m here.  I AM a childless woman. Not going to be, but am already.

And then the grief starts.  We go through the 5 stages of grief, just like someone who's lost a living person.  We lost a dream.  And that counts.  Have a listen to find out how the 5 stages of grief apply to the childless path.

I'm currently offering a Dream Memorial, 1 hour virtual retreat to help you get to the acceptance stage of grief.  Click below to sign up.

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