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Many childless people don't even realize they are grieving.  Who would have known you can grieve the loss of an imagined future?   What I find is that many women without kids, even those who choose not to have them, feel some sort of grief and it's not always the loss of that future.  Identifying what specifically you're grieving is key to processing it.

In this solo episode, I'm giving you the first step of the Grow Through Grief pillar of my framework: identify what hidden grief might be lying under the surface.   That is, after you realize or admit that you are feeling grief.

I'm sharing 7 different less-obvious things you might be grieving and didn't even know it.   Many of these will resonate even with those who chose not to have kids, or those who are sort of ambiguous about it.  So have a listen no matter what your circumstances.

If you are ready to fully process and release the grief AND get the rest of my framework for creating Purpose Beyond Parenthood, click here to sign up for one of my free focus groups.

Where to find Sheri:
Instagram: @sherijohnsoncoaching