In this podcast hosted by A Course of Love facilitators Lynn Kidd and Laurel Elstrom, John Mark Stroud responds to the following questions:

1) What is love to you?
2) It’s pretty fascinating that you’re doing this real life experiment with living from freedom. Will you explain why freedom is a priority for you? What have you freed yourself from? What is it that keeps most people bound?
3) a) What would you say is energetically going on within you now - that outwardly shows up as living in an airstream travel trailer? b) What is your relationship to time with this lifestyle?
4) Can you take us through a typical day for somebody who is committed to living from freedom? How do you decide what to do with your time and energy? Is it exhausting having so many choices?
5) (Question of the week) I have a live-in partner who yells all the time. It feels verbally abusive. This has been going on for several years. I have small children at home and have nowhere else to go. How is love the answer to seeing my inner truth - in what is feeling like a hopeless external situation?

John Mark Stroud began his journey as a successful businessman. Eventually, he felt moved to sell his business and begin the inward search for the peace and happiness that he felt deeply was eluding him. He was swept up in a "tidal wave" of synchronistic events which eventually led him into a direct experience of boundless love. A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, and Way of Mastery have all been part of his journey. At one point, John Mark did some teaching, yet now he focuses on living and responding to life from a place of freedom, along with his wife, Cindy. His website is:

LOVE IS THE ANSWER is a podcast that explores the POWER OF LOVE in real life. We look for answers to the problems we face within our lives. What if the solution is right within us? What if LOVE is the answer? In each episode, we ask our guests questions related to ordinary life situations, and let them share their experiences with living from love.


A Course of Love:
Hosts: Laurel Elstrom, Lynn Kidd
Guest: John Mark Stroud
Podcast Editor: Rodrigo P. Cayres
Date: Recorded on October 9, 2020
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