In this podcast hosted by A Course of Love facilitators Lynn Kidd and Laurel Elstrom, Georgie Jessup responds to the following questions:

1) What does love mean to you?
2) I want to begin by recognizing that, as a transgender person, you have had a unique relationship with your own masculine and feminine energies. What has your experience taught you about balancing both energies?
3) a) I think most people want to be trans-supportive, but they don’t fully understand the transgender experience. A trans person doesn’t actually change their gender. They just change the outside to match how they’ve experienced themselves all along. Would you agree with that, and can you talk about what the experience of being born into a body that doesn’t match you is like? b) Do you miss white male privilege? Culturally, what have you noticed that’s different about presenting in the world as female?
4) The Lakota Native culture is an important part of your life. Can you share the Lakota tribe’s sacred role of a “winkte,” and how that relates to your personal journey?
5) (Question of the week) I have worked very hard to reach what I have achieved. Suddenly everything is falling apart. Life seems to be showing me a different direction, but I strongly feel the profession I have worked toward is my soul calling. Should I go with the flow and see where it leads, or should I strive for what I feel is my soul calling? How is love the answer to finding my next step?

Georgie Jessup is a singer, musician, and songwriter in the "cosmic Americana" genre. As a transgender woman, her passionate song lyrics reflect her outspoken advocacy for transgender rights, animal rights, Native American issues, and environmental sanity. Her website is:

LOVE IS THE ANSWER is a podcast that explores the POWER OF LOVE in real life. We look for answers to the problems we face within our lives. What if the solution is right within us? What if LOVE is the answer? In each episode, we ask our guests questions related to ordinary life situations, and let them share their experiences with living from love.


A Course of Love:
Hosts: Laurel Elstrom, Lynn Kidd
Guest: Georgie Jessup
Podcast Editor: Rodrigo P. Cayres
Date: Recorded on October 2, 2020
Stock Image:
Song played at closing: "Post Op Freeway" © 1991 Georgie Jessup winkte music/ASCAP