In this podcast hosted by ACOL facilitators Lynn Kidd and Laurel Elstrom, Amy Torres answers the following questions:

1) What does love mean to you?
2) One reason we wanted to talk with you today is because you seem to be open to multiple teachings in addition to A Course in Miracles. You’ve worked with Mooji, Rupert Spira, and even Yogananda. Tell us how you’ve benefited from working with other teachers and how you might advise others to incorporate other teachings into their own journeys.
3) Often we attempt to live up to spiritual ideals, yet these ideals fall short with our lived experiences. We may grow intellectually, but these “truths” are not embodied within the fabric of our ordinary lives. A very painful split can occur between who we are, and who we are striving to be. Can you share a little about integrating the spiritual with our human beingness?
4) You’ve been teaching ACIM for quite a while now. Do you ever feel as if you’ve mastered it? Can you explain more about how an experiential approach to ACIM is different?
5) (Question of the week) Considering the political unrest in the world today, I’m not sure what role I should play. I want to stand up for equality, but I want to live a life of love, not opposition. How is love the answer to oppression and inequities in society? How do I respond to these problems from a place of genuine love?

Amy Torres is a well-loved spiritual teacher, author of Sweet Dreams of Awakening, and retired Gestalt psychotherapist. She has been teaching A Course in Miracles since 2005. Her websites are and

LOVE IS THE ANSWER is a podcast that explores the POWER OF LOVE in real life. We look for answers to the problems we face within our lives. What if the solution is right within us? What if LOVE is the answer? In each episode, we ask our guests questions related to ordinary life situations, and let them share their experiences with living from love.


Hosts: Laurel Elstrom, Lynn Kidd
Guest: Amy Torres
Podcast Editor: Rodrigo P. Cayres
Date: Recorded on June 05, 2020
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