For Love Hate Relationship’s 85th episode, we come back with our second Triple Relationship Special! We start with Jessica Day (New Girl) who wonders if she’s the asshole for peeing in the cat’s litter box when her boyfriend’s IBS forced him to hold the bathroom for a crazy long time. Alex makes a few confessions …

For Love Hate Relationship’s 85th episode, we come back with our second Triple Relationship Special!

We start with Jessica Day (New Girl) who wonders if she’s the asshole for peeing in the cat’s litter box when her boyfriend’s IBS forced him to hold the bathroom for a crazy long time. Alex makes a few confessions about his checkered past while Andy defends the notion of not locking doors in anticipation of desperate circumstances.

After that, we have Peter Parker (Spider-Man, specifically Tobey Maguire era), who made the terrible mistake of proposing to his partner by placing the ring in a brownie that she likely (likely) subsequently ate without noticing. Andy maligns him for not going with the still-stupid-but-less-disastrous ring-the-champagne-glass move, while Alex reminds him that it will be perfectly reasonable for his partner to expect him to get a different ring after getting this one removed from her bowels.

Next, we have Brandy (Joe Dirt) who is dealing with her husband making the idiotic decision to get drunk and have his friend give him a tattoo of the Sublime logo. Andy and Alex both agree that while the tattoo is objectively stupid and dumb, it’s the friend who decided to give the tattoo who is the real villain here.

After that, we have Brianna Hanson (Grace and Frankie), dealing with her father accidentally sending her some homemade gay porn her made of himself. Andy and Alex discuss the near-universal experience of witnessing parental coitus at some point in life, and the value of just biting bullets and having that one, god-awful awkward conversation, adult-to-adult, with the parent(s) involved.

That one’s followed by Ellen Parsons (Damages), contending with her sister’s outrage that her apology dinner was set-up as a potluck. Andy has to Google what an apology dinner even entails, Alex calls it some white people shit, and even then, everyone agrees that even so, one should apologize in a manner that the wronged party will universally feel.

Finally, we close with Daryl (Letterkenny), whose new girlfriend posted a video montage on social media loaded with pics of the ex who cheated on her. After confirming that she’d selected all of the clips herself, both Alex and Andy agree that all does not look like she’s over him, and that closure is ridiculously overrated.

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