Love: Cracked Andy turns up the early 2000’s nostalgia to reminisce on the halcyon days of He discusses the site’s history, including a weird pseudo-connection to Mad Magazine, the incredible careers it’s launched, and the bedrock it laid for Internet comedy as a whole. Alex meanwhile, uses the opportunity to lament the awfulness of …

Love: Cracked

Andy turns up the early 2000’s nostalgia to reminisce on the halcyon days of He discusses the site’s history, including a weird pseudo-connection to Mad Magazine, the incredible careers it’s launched, and the bedrock it laid for Internet comedy as a whole. Alex meanwhile, uses the opportunity to lament the awfulness of venture capital and pivots to video (and not only because he could never get a pitch through to the site).

Hate: Machine Gun Kelly

Alex uses his Hate time to talk about rapper and contemporary culture vulture, Machine Gun Kelly. He digs into his legitimately respectable Hip-Hop credits, his opportunistic shift to pop punk, and all of the reasons he’s kind of a douche. Andy gets a refresher on the Eminem feud and reminds everyone that better acts (like Meet Me @ The Altar) still exist.

Relationship: Elle Evans (The Kissing Booth)

This episode’s Relationships.txt sees an asker wondering what to do after her boyfriend alleged that she uses a “sexy baby voice” on a work call. Alex takes his chance to drag an insecure partner and people who don’t understand customer service voices, and Andy points out the value in being intentional about communication without just removing all humanity. Plus–misogyny!

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