This episode aims to have a mindset that allows ourselves to make mistakes. To leave a space for us to be vulnerable and take advantage of the resources you have to make mistakes. At a certain point we were all given an opportunity to learn and actually expected to make mistakes. 




-      You can feel bad about your mistakes 


·    Making mistakes suck, especially those honest mistakes where you really was so oblivious to it. 

·    Feel bad about it because it does take a blow to your ego and self-esteem but be reminded it does not define who you are. 

·    These mistakes no matter how big become a part of who you are and who you wish or avoid to become. 


-Making space for your mistakes


·    With the truths that you know now about making mistakes. It’s time that you create a space for yourself. 

·    A space to reflect on mistakes and see what it has brought you. Don’t be anxious of what it will reveal because it will only reveal a part of you that you may have neglected or something that doesn’t work for you. 

·    Giving yourself this space will allow a much kinder inner voice that may help guide you to the path you must be in.  



-Finding yourself in your mistakes.  


·    The growth you’d experience after making a mistake will be good or bad which is based on your own actions and decisions on how to deal with it. 

·    Now that you have your space and time to see how this mistake has affected you, you will find pieces of yourself hidden in these mistakes that would in turn make you strive to be a better person than yesterday. 

·    Sometimes it allows you to see the things that doesn’t serve you anymore as well. 



Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. 



·    Making mistakes mean you took a shot at your life. It means you tried as much as you wanted and took a chance. 

·    You were courageous enough to see what worked for you and what doesn’t 

·    For all we know you are who you are today because your mistakes have taught you lessons that only the universe could teach you. 

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