Sometimes we have to allow good things to happen despite the fear we have of it. I think it's natural for us to look into the worst case scenario as a way to protect ourselves when the things we want don't actually happen the way we want to. So as a defense we nip it in the bud before it causes us much more pain and sorrow. But then I realized that by doing so, we stop so many good things from happening because of this fear. I learned to allow myself to revel in the good and have a wonderful moments of life whether I'm certain of it or not. The moment I did that, I found much more joy and love for the inevitable highs and lows of life. That's when. I took the risk to love someone else other than myself, to let myself get to know and see Guil for all that he is. I hope you enjoy this episode just as much as I did, a big leap for me for sure.