Today I’d like to tell you a story that demonstrates how excellent of a time it is to be a seller in our market.

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We’re coming to you today from a great home here on Duker Street. This property has an awesome story behind it that we’d like to share with you today.

The owner of the property was a really nice lady who once gave us a call because she needed help: She didn’t know if she wanted to list the house on the market or sell it outright. Of course, the Dream J.P. Pirtle Realtors team always offers our sellers both options.

Right now is a great time to sell your home.

In the end, she didn’t want to list the home, so we ended up buying it from her. We were actually able to give her a lot more for it than she had even asked for in the first place, which made her very happy. This Duker Street home is in a great area right across from a school, and (even in the video above) you can even hear how happy the children here are. We may decide to rent it out, but that decision isn’t final. If you’d like to learn more about it, feel free to contact us!

The moral of this story is that right now is a great time to sell your home—our spring inventory is very low, which means your home is in high demand, and interest rates are still historically low as well, meaning you’ll probably get more money for your home this year than you would have in any of the previous 10 years. The market is hot.

If you need advice about selling your home or would like us to do a no-obligation, free comparative market analysis to help you find out what your home would be worth, reach out to us. We can either help you list your home on the market or make you an offer for it ourselves. I hope to hear from you soon!