Loud Murmurs 小声喧哗 artwork

Loud Murmurs 小声喧哗

113 episodes - Chinese - Latest episode: over 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 155 ratings

Loud Murmurs is a Mandarin-Chinese podcast about American pop culture, brought to you by four bilingual and bi-cultural women in the U.S. and their friends. We discuss movies, TV, documentaries, and the social, political issues reflected on by a piece of pop culture work. Too often, race, gender and other political and cultural issues are the subtext in pop culture. We seek to make the subtext explicit, question it and challenge it. The show is now in its third season, updated biweekly. We have interviewed guests ranging from science fiction writers, comedians, to scholars and journalists. Our goal is to make the most thought-provoking Chinese podcast about American pop culture. 小声喧哗是一档以女性视角来观察和批判影视文本如何塑造世界的播客。《小声喧哗》Loud Murmurs, 是一档以女性视角来观察和批判影视文本如何塑造世界的播客。文化和审美的自觉认同从来都是隐含在创造者对世界的想象中,而这样的想象催生出许多充满偏见的创造动机。这样的创造动机渗透在我们日复一日热爱的欧美电影中,美剧里,渗透在我们对于事物的认知中。今天,我们想要去挑战它。紧跟影视热点和时事的同时,保持了双周频率的持续输出。在制作节目时,小声喧哗经常邀请学者和影评人参与我们的节目,使节目的观点更加多元化和专业。小声喧哗致力在中文世界,做最好的流行文化播客。

TV & Film Arts chinese entertainment movie pop culture millennials
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S1 E13: Westworld Season Finale

July 23, 2018 03:15 - 41 minutes - 18.9 MB

In Episode 13, we welcome back your host Diao Diao and our good old friend Dongze (Steven) to discuss the end of the fantastic show that is Westworld. Our dynamic duo covers the human v. host consciousness, biblical references throughout the season, as well as dive deep into plot twists and mind puzzlers -- enjoy! Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/loudmurmurs)

S1 E12: Ocean's 8's Lady Gang

July 12, 2018 12:46 - 46 minutes - 21.2 MB

The ladies of Loud Murmurs watched Oceans 8 and we could not be more enthusiastic to talk about this movie with badass women leads! Hope you enjoy! 我们在这集播客里除了吹捧各位女主角之外,也反思了我们建立这个播客的源问题。电影,乃至整个娱乐业,都长期是被男性话语权主宰。电影中的女性角色往往是为亚当创造的夏娃,作为被观察、欣赏、投射价值判断的客体存在。女性观众在欣赏这些电影的时候,很难获得同样的“代入感”,和男性观众获得同样的娱乐。 《瞒天过海》打破了这个局面。这部电影是一个完全从女性视角出发的爆米花片。这些女人们是‘为了坏而坏、为了钱而抢劫’。没有报复男人、歇斯底里的老套情节,没有把女性角色放入受害者的框框里,她们才不是因为感情失意或是被人抛弃才犯罪,她们就是想做货真价值badass的女人。她们要钱、爱钱,那她们就惊天动地抢了一场。坏的不留余地,理直气壮。 希望大家听的和我们观影一样愉快! Support the show (ht...

S1 E11: Westworld: Shogun World, The Turing Test, and Ducks

June 18, 2018 04:23 - 40 minutes - 18.5 MB

Your favorite Westworld recap/deep dive is back! This is our 11th episode and we are more excited than ever to talk about new plot twists in Season Two of this show. Your host Diao Diao and our good old friend Dongze (Steven) discuss their take on artificial intelligence in Westworld, Shogun World, and beyond. Hope you enjoy! 西部世界:图灵测试、老丈人与鸭子 《西部世界》的坑可以不用挖了,因为坑直接被炸出来了。 在剧情走向越来越激动人心、越来越炸裂的时候,小声喧哗制作了关于讨论剧情及背后科技、哲理的第二期。这期的常驻主持人(HOST)是从业于科技咨询的刁刁,嘉宾是参与了《西部世界》第一期讨论的在湾区科技行业工作的东泽。 当《西部世界》的层理越来越深的时候,...

S1 E10: Remembering Anthony Bourdain, food, culture and home

June 14, 2018 03:00 - 43 minutes - 19.9 MB

This is a special episode by Loud Murmurs, where we remember the legacy of chef, author and TV host Anthony Bourdain. Host Juan, Ina and our guest, food blogger Duan Wangye, talk about what food means to them and why it has everything to do with cultural identity and a sense of belongingness.  在这一期《小声喧哗》的特别节目中,主播Juan,Ina和美食作家段王爷一起缅怀了刚刚过世的大厨、作家,电视节目主持人波登,也讨论了食物与文化归属感之间无法切断的关系。  节目链接: 1. 段王爷的微信公众号:段王爷在纽约 @gh_8b6daa91beec 2. 波登 1999年为《纽约客》写的文章:《在吃饭之前不要读这个》 https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1...

S1 E9: The Death of Stalin (amongst other things)

May 31, 2018 21:05 - 57 minutes - 26.4 MB

In this week's episode, your hosts Diao Diao and Afra are joined by their dear friend (and fellow comrade)Mr. Zhu to discuss the hilarious political satire comedy, Death of Stalin. We dive deep into the political history of the former U.S.S.R. and how close the script sticks to history. 《斯大林之死》:辱苏片里的黑色幽默 这期的小声喧哗聊了聊一部漠河以北不存在的电影《斯大林之死》。这部由苏格兰导演阿曼多·兰努奇指导的电影讲述了前苏联领导人斯大林意外身亡后,因选择他的接班人而引发的种种故事。这部黑色喜剧中的种种荒唐情节,绝大多数都取材于前苏联的真实事件——斯大林在自己的尿泊里暴毙,却没有下属敢敲门营救他;莫斯科的好医生一半被杀,一半被送去了古拉格的集中营——这一系列细思恐极的笑点,点出了极权主义政...

S1 E8: Plunging into Westworld

May 11, 2018 12:17 - 35 minutes - 16.2 MB

For our 8th episode, we shift our attention to the ever-so-popular TV show Westworld, and really take a deep plunge into the multiple worlds (we hope you know this already) of Delos' theme park, the complicated plot, and how the show touches on philosophy, human vs. AI, the bicameral mind, etc., etc., all the exciting things! This week in addition to your usual hosts, we've invited our friend Dongze (Steven) to share his thoughts too. Hope you enjoy!  本期的小声喧哗开始了一个新的尝试,我们打算同HBO剧《西部世界》一起,挖一个深...

S1 E7: Isle of Dogs and how much does Wes Anderson really love Japan?

April 27, 2018 13:02 - 50 minutes - 23.3 MB

In our latest episode, five dog lovers chat enthusiastically about Wes Anderson's "Isle of Dogs." Your usual hosts and their friend Daniel dives deep into the world of Wes Anderson and share our thoughts on how his latest film can be seen as problematic to the Japanese culture.  第七期:汪汪汪汪汪汪汪韦斯·安德森的《犬之岛》 小声喧哗的这期节目是关于4月20日在中国上映的定格动画电影《犬之岛》。这部电影由极具个人风格的美国导演韦斯·安德森(Wes Anderson)执导。大家可能对韦斯·安德森的强迫症般的摄影风格并不陌生,这部电影和他之前的作品类似:画面华丽浓郁、镜头对称、并且细节出彩。除了讨论韦斯·安德森的美学教条主义(Daniel不小心瞎编了Anderson Doctrine这个术语),我们还非常...

S1 E6: Shape Of Water

April 13, 2018 03:04 - 36 minutes - 16.5 MB

In our latest episode, we finally chat about "The Shape of Water." Your hosts Afra, Diaodiao, and Ina talk about what they like and don't like about the Oscar-winning film. 这期的小声喧哗是姗姗来迟的对今年奥斯卡最佳电影《水形物语》的讨论。这部电影拿奖之后,几位主播们的朋友圈都一片哗然。然而这部电影在国内的评价似乎都很正面,于是我们就着“水形物语到底烂在哪、好在哪?”这个问题开始讨论。 刁刁将《水形物语》边缘人的命运和对这种命运的妥协,比作是当代的《雾都孤儿》和《巴黎圣母院》类的经典叙事。这样的故事通过暴露视觉上的丑恶,去寻找人性美的文学和电影,仿佛在今天格外强调边缘人自我赋权的时代已经不再是主流。因而刁刁认为,《水形物语》的这种关注”脆弱“的叙事,虽然不是当下热门的鸡汤,也很有意义。 Afra则讲了这部电影设置的背景——冷战时期——下的种种历史事实。比如说,为什么反派如此急切地想要争取上司将军的支持?一触即...

S1 E5: 'Queer Eye' in a New Age

April 05, 2018 02:59 - 1 hour - 27.7 MB

In our latest episode, we chat about Netflix's new hot (in every aspect) show: 'Queer Eye.' Your hosts Afra, Juan, and Ina chat with our friends Bing and Lena (our very own 'Fab 5') about our favorite people and moments from the show, the history of LGBTQ on screen, and what this all means in today's day and age.  这一期播客我们请来了两位身处LGBTQ群体的嘉宾Bing和黎娜一起剖析最近大热的真人秀《粉雄救兵》(Queer Eye)。 2003年的老版《粉雄救兵》在许多维度上都可以认为是历史性的。同性恋群体——尤其是男性同性恋群体——在历史上长期背负着诸多恶意的标签,从“娘娘腔”到“恋童癖”不一而足。 2003年Fab 5的横空出世让同性恋群体以一个新的形象出现在...

S1 E4: Black Panther: Marvel's new superhero, Afrofuturism, and what this all means in China

March 20, 2018 00:37 - 49 minutes - 22.8 MB

In this episode, Juan and Diao Diao chat with our dear friend Luke about Black Panther. Aside from fangirling over Michael B. Jordan, we discuss the theme of Afrofuturism in the movie and dive into how the Chinese audience interpret Marvel's newest hit, Your hosts Juan, Diao Diao, and our guest Luke.  小声喧哗的第四期,你们的主持人Juan, 刁刁以及嘉宾Luke聊了聊最近大热的漫威超级英雄电影《黑豹》。《黑豹》讲了一个发生在想象中的国家瓦坎达国的故事。和之前我们看过的漫威超级英雄电影不同,这部电影的从创作人员到主演,都是黑人。 除了帅到炸裂的男配角和男主角以外,这部电影在哪些方面冲击了哪些我们对非洲局限的想象力?Juan讲解了“非洲未来主义”(Afrofuturism)以及这...

S1 E2: Finding Love In A Hopeless Place

March 09, 2018 19:53 - 1 hour - 32.3 MB

Today we continue our discussion of the Oscars nominees for Best Picture: Phantom Thread and Call Me By Your Name. These are two vastly different films in how they interpret and portray love and intimate relationships. Hope you enjoy!  Your Hosts: Afra, Ina, and Juan  Our Guest: Daniel  Music: Bensound.com  1:05 -- Phantom Thread 33:12 -- Call Me By Your Name 51:54 -- The Post, Darkest Hour 1:04:00 -- Our predictions  这一期节目我们继续聊(撕)了奥斯卡的其他几个提名电影:《霓裳魅影》(Phantom Thread),《请以你的名字呼唤我》(Call Me By ...

S1 E3: The Best and Worst of the 90th Oscars

March 06, 2018 04:12 - 38 minutes - 17.8 MB

In this episode, Juan and our dear friend Vincent chat about the 90th Oscars ceremony that took place on Sunday, March 4th. For better or for worse, we look at some of the most memorable moments of the 3-hours-and-50-minute long show, from Frances Mcdormand's speech, to addressing the state of the industry and the big elephant in the room.  这是一场被“政治正确”带偏的奥斯卡颁奖典礼吗?性侵的乌云还在横亘好莱坞的头顶,但是主持人吉米鸡毛为何在这个场合“怂了”,没有冲着这个中心议题一直讲段子?几部得奖电影斩获奥斯卡是真的服众吗?《水形物语》的亮点除了人和人鱼啪啪啪以外还有啥?加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)等了几十年的影帝真的是很多人嘴...

S1 E1: The Oscars Nominees - Coming of Age, Tension, and Revenge

March 03, 2018 22:00 - 53 minutes - 24.4 MB

In our first episode, we chat about the upcoming 90th Academy Awards (aka the Oscars), offer our take on the award and why it matters (or not really), and dive into discussion on three films: Ladybird, Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri, and Get Out. Hope you enjoy! Your hosts: Afra, Diao Diao, Ina, and Juan Music: Bensound.com 1:55 -- Oscars nominees 7:20 -- Ladybird 22:12 -- Three Billboards 34:25 -- Get Out  本期是小声喧哗的首期节目,我们边聊边撕了三部奥斯卡热门电影,《伯德小姐》(Lady Brid),《三块广告牌》(Three Billboards ...

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