In May, Respawn Entertainment announced Arena Mode, a 3v3 version of Apex Legends similar in style to the top FPS esports. On this show, XSET's Clane and Keni join to talk about Apex Legends Global Series, the creation of Arena Mode and why the battle royale version will likely stay the dominant form of Apex esports. We also talk about XSET, one of the fastest growing organizations in esports, Nerd Street Gamers' upcoming Summer Champs and more. Be sure to follow Clane and Keni on Twitch and Twitter. @ClaneSZN and @KeniFPS. The full transcription of this show is below the dotted line. 


Mitch Reames  
Hello and welcome into this episode of loosely scripted a podcast from nerd street gamers. I'm your host Mitch Reames. We're talking Apex legends eSports today and I'm joined by two players from exits relatively new Apex legends team. Previously, the duel was competing under the team named season where they were a mainstay in Apex legends global series or args circuit events. That's the top level of Apex eSports for people unfamiliar with the game that included an eighth place finish for season at the Winter circuit playoffs which qualified them for a spot in the 2021 na LGs championship. In late May, the duo Klain and Kenny are picked up by exit the growing eSports organization founded by former FaZe clan executives last summer. At the championships exit finished 24th out of the 40 teams competing but clean and Kenny are just getting started with their Apex legends careers and now are signed to one of the top boards going forward. They were also just joined by a third Rambo to round out the team. He's an accomplished player as well who competed on a different team during championships but as a play with the duo for well over a year, clean. Welcome to the show. Hello, hello. It's good to be here. And Kenny, it's great to have you here as well. Thank you Thank you. On the show we'll definitely be talking about the apex legends eSports scene as a whole the creation of Apex legends new arena mode and being signed to one of the fastest growing eSports orgs out there in exit. Let's start with the recent championships. You guys Apex legends might be the best at this from all battle rails, but scoring in eSports competitions for BRS is the torturously very difficult fortnight really struggled to find a good format even with the massive prize pools, the H wanzhou. A Pro League was a pretty high profile failure at this point at pub g mobile is doing better than the PC version on the front. All that's to say it's really hard to build a battle royale eSports competition simply due to the nature of the genre. I'm personally not quite as familiar with Apex legends scoring system as I was with fortnight and pub G. Can you break down how placement works in alts events? And what if anything, you might change if given the chance playing? Well, it will start with you. But Kenny again, please feel free to hop in as well if you have thoughts.

Yeah, so basically, it works. There's a placement point system and then you get one point per kill. So first you get 12 points like this is for placement. First you get 12 points Second, you get 930 you get seventh, fourth, you get fit five points, a fifth, you get four points six, and seventh, you get three, and then eight through 10, you get to 11 through 15, you get one and then 16 through 20, you get no points for placement. But like I said, I'm your team's kills combined. So let's say I had two kills Kenny had one bow had one, we would have five kill points plus whatever our placement is. And I think that's actually a very even way because it benefits both teams that like to rotate and play late game or teams that like to get a lot of kills and play on edge.

Mitch Reames  
Definitely, yes, some combination of kills. And placement is pretty much the core of Battle Royale scoring at this point. Kenny, are there any drawbacks with that format from a player's perspective, where it's like, hey, maybe we could improve it here or weight things a little bit differently.

In my honest opinion, I feel like Apex has done a great job with the scoring system. The only thing I really could say is upping the placement like points just a little bit. Because it really like there are some teams that really just play on edge and look for kills. And that's how they get most of their points throughout tournaments. So I feel like it could like be better for like rotational teams, because rotating teams have less opportunity at kill points than edge teams do. so rewarding those teams that consistently come for a second third place with more points. That's the only thing I would really change. But right now I feel like there's a great balance between placement and kill points.

Mitch Reames  
That's honestly pretty impressive. I've talked to to a few different pros. Clay, do you have anything you want to add to that?

I was just gonna say I definitely agree. I think rotating teams don't get as much as much worse sometimes as the teams that just kill on edge because realistically, I believe that the whole point of a br is to literally just be the last team alive or like try your hardest to win. And the kills like come along with that. So I think that placement points definitely deserve to be a little bit more than what they are but honestly it's pretty, pretty equal for every kind of play style right now.

Mitch Reames  
Again, that's obviously pretty impressive. I was pretty deep the fortnight seed during the height of that Like 2018 and let me tell you every single fortnight pro I talked to had like six different things they wanted to change about how that game worked about might be a different approach between epic and add, respond or just sort of how they approach the game and the esports scene in general, but it's pretty impressive that they've actually found a very nice balance. So I am curious looking forward we're in between alts circuits right now the last one just finished it the next one starts in September. Do you guys expect anything to change so the I'm also getting at this new arena mode, which is three v three, the original br is a br you know, 20 teams of three all drop into one map and the last one standing wins. You guys are all familiar with Battle Royale at this point. But the arena mode is like a classic three v three it's something you you'd see more in eSports like Overwatch like valorant like Cisco three teams battle it out head to head, is that going to bleed into the esports mode? Or is alts going to stay? The Battle Royale format and then arena mode is just maybe something for like twitch rivals events or things in the future. Kenny, what do you think on that front is is a transition coming at all.

I truly don't see a transition in the near future at least. But I think the competitive side of Apex legends will stick to battle royale. But if they do properly execute arena mode, I feel like it could potentially have a league of its own in the future. Because it Apex like movement and gunplay and things like that it is the closest to perfect in a shooter in my opinion. And battle royales do have that RNG factor as everyone knows, you know, with all anything can happen but in an arena mode three v three, you versus a different team. I feel like there's a lot less RNG if at all any you know, like you are in control of your match completely and entirely. And if they do properly executed I feel like in the future there could be a arena league in a way like like just like Call of Duty has or valorant things like that, you know, but for the near future I do believe Battle Royale will be what Apex Legends is about.

Mitch Reames  
It would certainly be a pretty quick switch if they released it and then like they announced it a month Hey guys, next circuit is actually going to be to read a boat like we're dropping the br it's I have to imagine a pretty big deviation. Joe clade from a player's perspective. How different is flagging Have you been playing some arena mode and how different is it from like an approach and gameplay standard compared to playing a normal Battle Royale mode in Apex?

Well like like Kenny was saying the battle royale there's a lot of RNG like sometimes you can't even pick what guns you want to use. Sometimes you can't pick like you don't get good attachments and the other person you're fighting has just insane attachments on their gun and like you might have white armor the other person has purple and it's just a very uneven fighting you have to play perfectly if you're at a disadvantage to win the fight. So in arena I really like the fact that everybody's on even playing field every single round nobody has better gear unless obviously they earned it in the previous round by getting multiple kills or like getting the materials so that they have more money but yeah, I just I think that the the arena mode is actually very good I've been playing it a little bit i like i said i just love how it's even playing ground and it's really good to practice gun skill

Mitch Reames  
that's a good point as well in terms of just being an area where you could compete in a market trolled environment and getting the practice they're getting from from your perspective what is the value of arena mode to apex like that

I just purely believe arena is there to serve as a three v three fighting scenario and practice your gun skill. When you play the competitive br there is so many possibilities and and things you have to take into consideration when playing for example knowing zones like like I spend a lot of my time just looking at zones and trying to predict where it ends which is one of the great things about Apex Legends is it has a pretty consistent zone algorithm not perfect but it's pretty consistent. And you can pretty much guess where the where the game is going to end based off of a zone to read which is like you when you play arena you have you don't have to worry about any of that. You don't have to worry about zones at all really. But the thing about the br is you can also get Like r&g out of his own, like you think it's going somewhere, but it completely pulls the other way. And your position just gets completely destroyed. And you just have to play on edge. You know, it's just you have to do what you can. But in arena, like it's just strictly there for fighting and getting better as a team that that's all it really serves us.

Mitch Reames  
Yeah, that absolutely makes sense, as we're in this gap between LGs circuits with another three months until it kicks back up. are you guys looking? Are there some arena mode tournaments out there? Would that be something you guys would like to play in during the summer just to kind of get an idea of what that might look like, and a reduced RNG eSports competition.

Um, I definitely if there is the opportunity to play in such a tournament, I would love to because I absolutely love Apex legends when it comes down to gun scale and positioning and raw mechanics. Like it's really just the best game out there for such a thing. And if there is an opportunity to play in a arena tournament, so to speak, like I would love to be able to be in it. But there is nothing planned, like maybe twitch rivals or something like that. They may host but as in like, like an actual tournament. I don't think anything's been announced for arena yet.

Mitch Reames  
I don't think so, either. But you know, I'm hosting this podcast for nursery, but I'm also maybe doing a little bit of market research, just seeing what some players might want to do. Because you don't worry. We've read plenty of tournaments as well. And I was, I know, we're talking about, you know, I don't want to spoil anything for our tournament Ops, but they were talking about it in Slack, a little bit of like, Hey, is this something possible to do in the future? So it's cool to hear the players be down for I think it'd be at least an interesting look, and would allow for more of those head to head matchups as head to head rivalries that we see in other eSports, which are kind of hard to develop in battle royale just due to, you know, dropping in and by the time you get to five teams left, you know, there's no guarantee what teams are left. Is that a fair take a clean is like, is that hard? Or is it actually like there's plenty of rivalries a battle round? I'm just totally off base here.

Well, no, I don't think you're wrong at all, I think. I think there's there's not many rivalries in battle royale because I mean, there's 20 teams competing against each other. And then the arena would just be one team versus another team, you know. So I think, yeah, I think I don't think you're off at all. I think, also the having arenas, like I would love to play Arena in a tournament, just for the sole fact of, like, let's say x set versus TSN. Like fans are can easily route for one or the other, you know, or like TSM vs NRG. Literally just anything, it's very easy to route for very easy to understand what's going on for the viewers. So going back a little bit to what you were asking earlier, I do definitely think that arena can be a competitive mode, but I don't think it will take over Battle Royale ever. I think Battle Royale will always be the main priority.

Mitch Reames  
Interesting. Yeah. That That definitely makes sense. You know, it's possible to see like, way out in the future of arena mode really takes off. It's like, Alright, we'll make that adjustment. But no, for now, it's a battle royale game and switching and deviating completely from Battle Royale feels like it'd be very hasty at least. But it would definitely be cool to see it. At least it's like a competitive experience. Or I think Kenny, I think he said this earlier as a sister legal most where they run to different things. And maybe players compete in both or you have two different teams even competing in the two different modes. I want to be pretty interesting.

I definitely agree. That'd be I think I think having two leagues is more of a like what will actually happen in the future.

Mitch Reames  
But a big shift over just like all right now we're in a mode. Yeah,

I don't think it would ever do that. I think it would just be both at the same time, if anything.

Mitch Reames  
turistic that makes a lot of sense. So you guys have mentioned the gunplay in the game and Apex Legends is pretty unique because unlike other BRS you have this character pool which are naturally called legends in game but every game that's ever been created has a different name for that Champions League of Legends. Its agents of valor it the whole point is it's different heroes. You could choose any day you want for it, but they all have different cops and abilities and allows teams to build a cop play from your perspective does that team carbs and flexibility allow for more depth in the esports scene especially compared to the other battle rails?

Um, it definitely adds more depth there's a lot as of recent there's been all kinds of different comps and different characters coming in. Um there's definitely some things I think with every game Some things are very some comps are like on the people say they're unhealthy for the game, but There's just so many different varieties, varieties of things that people get to experiment and fans get to like, see their favorite characters and actually not just the same three every game, you know what I mean?

Mitch Reames  
There's always going to be busted cups for sure. Kenny, what do you think?

Um, so when Apex legends came out, it was strictly Wraith, Watson and Pathfinder, and I think as the meta, like every game goes through meta changes, like every single one. And I think like right now, Apex legends. It has a pretty diverse meta compared to the beginning of the game. But there still are like, you know, meta comps compared to just other characters. And I do like, like the diversity of characters, but in a way I did appreciate and enjoy watching it when everyone was also playing all the same characters like back in the day with Wraith Watson and Pathfinder def compared to now, yeah.

Mitch Reames  
Interest Sue's almost sometimes more depth when they're on the same characters and watching how different people use those or use the interplay between them actually might be a depth is a sort of a loose word, I guess, here, but that also provides a really high level of strategy as well.

Yeah, like back in the path wide Wraith meta. You can see the difference in teams basically, like, the most experienced teams are obviously just at the very top, you know, like TSM, winning five major championships in a row. When that meta was out. That's unheard of in battle. royales I think that meta really made like, made the game feel like it wasn't a battle royale and made it just feel very competitive. Because like I said, you look at any other Battle Royale, there's no single team that's just winning every single major tournament in a row.

Mitch Reames  
Yeah, consistency has been one of the absolute hardest things to fight a battle royale and was, you know, one of the reasons why, or doesn't necessarily stop investing in fortnight pro players, but they were also like, oh, we're just like, these guys are all good. But what it actually comes down to it, it's really hard. It's not necessarily entirely about players skill. There's, there's a lot of RNG Yeah, part of it. So yeah, TSM winning all those different events is really, really unique and definitely speaks to some of that depth that exists in apex.

Yeah, definitely. Because, I mean, they were just ahead of their game. Other teams played different ways. They played their way. And they just knew how to play that competition at the very best and at its peak compared to everybody else.

Mitch Reames  
And sure, interesting. So talking about major orgs in eSports are actually publishing this episode on June 28, which is the one month anniversary of YouTube being signed to exit claim, what did it mean to be picked up by the organ org that is quickly becoming one of the bigger orgs in the space?

Oh, my, I'm actually smiling I was working so hard to join exit exit was the one org out of n like, if any top top org hit me up, I would have 100% rather than with x I work so hard, and wanting to join this org for so long, and I'm so happy that it came through we really grinded for it. And we're going to show up for the whole next year. We want to make sure x sets on top everybody knows and we want to be one of the biggest names and a perks

Mitch Reames  
That's awesome. And I'll give some background on x if people unfamiliar with the organization because it really came out of nowhere and it's been a major player in Esports in under a year since it was founded. But Kenny from your perspective, you know getting signed to an org is really making it it's kind of the the milestone that you grab for the new like Alright, now I'm here and now I have to win to stay up here but that's like the big milestone that you tried to get to what did it mean to be picked up by a major org like that?

I mean getting picked up on accet it's it's it was insane for the first week I didn't even believe it like how I was just like in shock though time I really was surprised clan was able to pull it off and I'm still appreciative of the opportunity to be on sets it's honestly a great org and they've honestly been so amazing to the the apex legends team like all three of us and I'm just thankful for it. But um yeah, back to your question like, like getting picked up it's great but you know, there's still a lot of work to be done like getting getting on an org is is the is like the great first step, but I think there's just a lot more work to be done and being considered one of the best teams in the game. You still have a lot of work to do. It's not it's it doesn't stop once you get picked up. There's a lot of behind the scenes work and you just got to grind.

Mitch Reames  
Yeah, absolutely. It is a marker of Hey, we're doing a lot of things right to get to this point, but we have to keep doing those things right it doesn't just like alright guys control. We're gonna do it we're good. So a little background on exit because again I can't rave about this eSports and I'm not affiliated with exit in any way. They were founded by three former FaZe clan execs is the former president of faze Greg selkoe will Eden's who is crucial and phases Mart merchandising clubs, like with champion at Clinton sparks, who help broker phases music crossovers, including bringing on offset as a co owner. Then the fourth founder was Marco Moreau, who came from outside phase and was formerly the founder and CEO of frame rate in they were founded in summer of 2020. So the org is less than a year old or maybe coming up on the one year anniversary of its founding now, Kenny, I've talked to all four of those guys at various times over the last year since they founded exit. What's your guys's experience as a player for the Ord over the last month?

Um, well, there hasn't been besides champs and the the tournament that we had an Invitational last week, we haven't really been able to represent apex, the apex legends exit team too much yet, but we are really hoping to make a huge name for ourselves in the next next season of HGS. But um, so far EXA has been great, honestly, like the guys ever the welcome was amazing. I really just don't have many words other than accent is amazing, to be honest.

Mitch Reames  
Great. You were the one who said, Hey, this is the org, we would have chosen. I think some people might be surprised with that, especially with legacy orgs like liquid TSM CLOUD NINE that all compete in apex, what was it about exit that you're like, no, that's the team that I want to I want to compete under.

Um, basically, I just see the crazy potential they have, like you said, it's under a year, and they have blown up so much, they've done so many amazing things. Um, I also really, really just loved everybody that was on the org, I talked to a lot of people before I joined because obviously, I wanted to get a good idea of like, how the people are like, what everything is going on, did a lot of my own research. And literally everybody in excess is so amazing to each other and friendly and nice and just wants the best for each other. And also, um, well, they have a few NFL players that are representing accet. And they also have one of my favorite artists Wei Li and I was very like, I was like, wow, if they can do this, imagine what they're gonna do in the future too. And I don't know, their their merge is all insane. Literally, just everything about EXA is just mind blowing, in my opinion. The fact it's been only, like 11 months, that since they made it, it's just insane. And also, I had a very, like I started competing in Apex actually the same month that they created the org. So I don't know, I just thought that was pretty cool.

Mitch Reames  
That is that is really cool. And you mentioned some of the celebrities when they founded they obviously split off a phase and phase is one of the giants in this space. And when they started it's like a few months later they signed suavely, NFL player that Kyle van Noy and a couple of others. And these are like big, big artists. Calvin Noy, I think was a pro bowler. I'm not sure. But he's, yeah, he's a great football player. And then they just started citing player after player team after team and I was like, Oh, these guys are, these guys are here for real, like they all switched over and hit the ground running. And clearly that's that shows in the org, because not only do they have this celebrity roster, they've picked up players in 10 different titles. According to their website, they have 58 pro players and content creators, that's not counting the celebrities, which they have like eight or nine of those as well. Is this just like good founders doing things right? Or, you know, what is there from what you've been able to gather? I know, you've only been there a month and it's been, you know, I'm not sure if you've been able to have a lot of like FaceTime with these people. But, you know, what's their motto? What's their mantra? Why are they adding people so quickly and really just trying to like plant their flag in eSports?

Well, I think they just see the value and everybody that they're there picking up obviously they want to grow and getting more players in different titles, different content creators, different celebrities. Like obviously that's gonna help a lot. They just treat everybody extremely well. Like I said, they just want everybody to love everybody they care about every single one of us. They care about each other. They just want a great they just want to grow a great org that that is very supportive of anybody and everybody they appreciate anybody's work, they don't care who you are what you are. What you go for, like, what? Like, what your I don't know how to say this, but basically they just care about. They just care about everybody and anybody for just showing the work and being genuine and nice to other people.

Mitch Reames  
For sure, yeah, they were founded on sort of this mantra of diversity and inclusion and bringing people together. And making sure you know, Craig, on his way out, had a heads of words for faizabad could describe the organization as a frat house and wanted to make it clear that Oh, yeah, yeah, that was he dropped the bomb. He came out with a New York Times article describing phases a frat house, and I was like, all right, all right, they're, they're here to come. But yeah, they were founded on those different principles. And I think that's a great big, that's something that nurture gamers stands for as well. And we try to support it all of our tournaments. So, you know, it's, it's awesome to see orgs not just embracing it over time, but literally being founded like this is core to us, and then backing that up as well. The people they sign and the community and the culture they create. So speaking about nerd Street, you know, I got I got my corporate duty here. And you guys competed in the nursery gamers monthly open in April, and you guys won that you guys repeating under season at the time of about a month before your side to exit. Now, I'm not obviously not gonna say that, Oh, you guys want that tournament. So that's why you got side clearly it was the LGs success and your grind that you've put in over the last year. But I'm curious, Kenny, for your perspective of being somebody who is just sort of grinding out on an ortho scene, what's the value of having these community tournaments that nurse she puts on and so many other organizers are putting on as well, especially when it comes to getting players discovered getting players to break into the top level?

Oh, yeah, definitely. So nerd Shree and small other smaller tournaments, like it's really gives you good practice other than a LGs, because scrims and Apex legends, you can get close to like a reality of how it actually will be on game day. But no one really like you have to incentivize practice. And I think smaller tournaments is a really great practice for alts. And, and I really do appreciate the opportunity to play in them, because I want to play as much as I can, and as competitive as I can, like in the best competition. So when you play in any of these tourneys people are, they're trying and especially newer players. And more, I guess you could say tier two players, because they're the you see, you see some people you don't normally see in the finals of an Al gslb. And you can definitely notice people stand out as well, the newer players and, you know, it allows people to make a name for themselves.

Mitch Reames  
You can't have a successful esport without a strong tier two seed because yeah, there needs to be charted, there needs to be people waiting to replace that at places for orgs to look for, either to pick up new players, like in the case of exit or if they need to make roster changes or something like that. So yeah, we firmly believe that, you know, for eSports to work, there has to be opportunities for players to get noticed and a pathway into that upper echelon.

Most definitely, I agree. 100%.

Mitch Reames  
Clean flipping over to you with that when our monthly open, you guys qualify for the soccer championships in August, which we're really looking forward to, obviously, but it's going to be, you know, a pretty big event going into that. And so far, we have four qualifiers for that one. It's you guys, Team Liquid obey and the Pittsburgh Knights with alts not starting until September is our summer chair stuff that you guys are looking forward to so that you guys have marked in the summer where there isn't a ton of the alts events or any other top level events.

Yeah, yeah. What's funny is when they announced args won't be till September, I was like, wow, we really need to make every one of these tournaments that we're playing until then, and we're like we need so we had the tournament last week for eSports arena. And I think just yet nerd street tourney in August, which we want to just do extremely well and like it's I love competing. I love competing against people just it is just so much adrenaline sometimes just it's such a good feeling competing in Apex and I'm really looking forward to play in the energy tournament for sure.

Mitch Reames  
Thanks. We're looking forward to you guys playing I'm sure I've actually talked to you guys around when that tournament is kicking up as well. The only thing that those community tournaments offer especially to you guys is bringing in Rambo and I saw on your Twitter clan. I think it was that you guys were playing together for quite a long time but you're playing on a different team in the championships. Why did you want to bring him into the squad and make him yours third, headed towards this next season of LGs

Yeah, so I guess I'm going to start, because this all kind of builds in with it. But when I used to play on Xbox back in like, February, March of 2020, so last year, and we were we just, we were like, really good good friends. And we were competing, or like playing ranked all day, every day, we're like, well, we can really take this to the next level, we both bought a PC. We started competing with each other back in May of last year, or June of last year. Um, he's the one who I started competing with an apex. And we did, we did really well for being like brand new players, we actually made it in our very first LGs tournament, we made it to finals, and we finished 12th, which was actually just, that was insane that our very first tournament ever. And then we kept like doing pretty decent, we made basically every finals together. Then he got an offer to God set to join them. And he took it obviously, because joining a joining like a good team that's known in the community is always a good, a good look for newer players. So he joined them. We weren't teaming for about eight months, because this happened in August. And yeah, he was been on another team for quite a while. And we found out that we needed to get a new third. I mean, Kenny did we went, we played with a guy named lion first and then we played with fun FPS, which is on he was on complexity. And that was our most recent teammate, and we were like, who can possibly do what fun did for us? Who can who can do that in better, like who has the motivation to be the best like we do. And, and we were just thinking, and Bo, honestly is just, he is insane. He is grown a really big name for himself. We have such good vibes, we're basically we're just all three best friends. And I could see this team, what are the lasting for all of the rest of apexes lifetime. We are, we're so motivated to be at the top. And that's really all I wanted in a third teammate is somebody that's just extremely motivated to be the best. And that would represent x set good. And I know that he's going to do everything correctly and I'm super excited.

Mitch Reames  
It's It's so cool to have somebody like that who you are playing with back on Xbox and then you know, get your break together and eSports oftentimes forces people to diverged a little bit like like what happened there, but you guys all come back on the tier one org is, uh, yeah, awesome. You guys got to be pumped. Awesome. So that was the last thing whatever. But actually, Kenny I want to give it over to you one more time for people that don't watch Apex legends eSports give them the elevator pitch give them 30 seconds why an Esports fan should check out Apex legends

so Apex legends in my I've played all sorts of shooters I played Call of Duty battlefield destiny, Halo, you name it, I've played it. And the gunplay and movement and mechanics of Apex Legends is unmatched to any any one of those shooters and I think it's also extremely easy to watch because it is a shooter at the end of the day and it is easy to watch and keep track of but um I think just the game itself has a insane skill ceiling as well with how good you can get and it's an interesting to watch players grow as well. And I do think Apex legends will go down as one of the best games of all time easily.

Mitch Reames  
Awesome, it's shown a lot of staying power and again, it's very unique in the battle royale space. I also want to roll out the red carpet for both you guys plug your twitch YouTube your Twitter What do you guys want people subscribing looking for? Follow it clay let's start with you.

My Twitter is clean season. So CLA any SZN and my Twitch is also the same same thing clean season. And that's all I really use right now. I'm gonna make a YouTube in the future and tick tock in the future but right now I want to focus on growing our competitive team.

Yep. So on Twitch and Twitter I am Kenny FPS. And those are the only two platforms I actively use. So

Mitch Reames  
check out these guys. After the show. I will link their twitches and their Twitter's underneath the show should be in the bio. So be sure to check it out. Give them a follow. If you enjoyed this podcast you enjoyed their thoughts on apex. I'll be back next week with another illustrious guest. We got 10s for the podcast. We're talking to the valor champion fresh off his stage two masters when we're setting goals. So be on the lookout for that podcast with 10s coming next Monday. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this episode of loosely scripted as always, I'm your host, Mitch Reames.

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