Hey Wonderlings,

Angela Bowen here, the host of Looking Back On My Wonder Years: A Wonder Years Podcast.

In honor of Alley Mills’s Birthday today, I thought I’d re-release the podcast episode S2E6: Pottery Will Get You Nowhere, which aired on February 9, 1989.

This is an updated version of it with clips of the amazing scenes. I hope you like it!

In this episode Norma begins taking a pottery class and receives support from everyone except Jack.

This episode really showcases Alley Mills’s acting and Dan Lauria’s as well.

I mean all the episodes are great, but this is one that focused on Norma and her wants of being more than a wife and mother and having outside interests instead of always being in the kitchen.

The fight scene between Norma and Jack is a little hard to watch just because honestly what kid wants to see their parents fight? I feel for the kids in this episode too.

Kevin trying to rectify the situation by gluing the cup back together.

Norma stands up to Jack and I gotta say watching this again the tears still fall.

The ending scene where they make up in the kitchen is beautiful.

Have a great day everyone!