Hi and welcome back to Lolly's Secrets!
The mission is to stay sane. The battle is Grace under Fire how do you do it?  easy! by setting boundaries in creative ways that don't offend but get your message across! remember.. dont lose your peace in the process!!! here are my top tips! and follow me on instagram for more up to date content.

Keep your visiting dates short and sweet

Stay in a hotel or air b & b if you can afford it

If you are are staying with family, be a gracious house guest

Always take a nice token gift to give host (tea, chocolate, scented candles, etc)

Be prepared for uninvited question about your life from family who mean well

Schedule time for you e.g take naps, long walks

Prepare for unsolicited advice to tackle life’s challenges

Careful with your words- once said, can't unsay them - pick your battles

Distractions are great to diffuse tension - games e.g board games, cards, PS4, etc

Always have a wing person at events with secret signs for danger and good to go

Graciously thank the host for all their hard work.

For more content, check out my website www.lollysecrets.com 
Until the next one,
Happy holidays!