On today’s episode, we chat with  "A Mystery Guest" about the journey to her purpose, and how she was able to avoid burnout and not become overwhelmed.

She is a physician who works over 80 hours, a mom of 3, pediatric cardiologist, entrepreneur and work-life balance and productivity strategist. 

We also discussed the effects of burnout, practical tips we can use to achieve work life balance and a special package for our lollietaskers!

 LollieTasking is a  podcast for all productive mompreneurs.   I am your host Dr. Lola Day, a physician and work life balance  strategist. I also help new and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to leave a legacy for their children take their business from idea to CEO by creating stress free businesses without sacrificing more time away from their family. 

Join me and other amazing and inspirational women as we discuss our passion, discovering our purpose, and learn how we can continue to strive to be the productive CEO of not just our business, but also our lives! After listening, I hope you will be motivated and know “you can do it too with some planning, a little bit of balance, and a dash of determination”! 

To see complete information about this episode, visit our website at www.lollietasking.com

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