One of the things I believe we may come to realize as a result of the coming shift which is pointed to by the "end" of the Mayan Calendar is our remembering many things that we forgot as a race of beings after "The Fall."  It was a fall in consciousness, among other things, and one of the things we forgot is how to extend our lifetime.  What if ascension is simply living in this body indefinitely by purifying it and raising the frequency until it is vibrating at the same frequency as our own energy body, or Light Body? I suspect this may be true.
I recently read a book called "Breaking the Death Habit," by Leonard Orr, the founder of Rebirthing.  In it he details some of the ways we can purify our physical form to extend life, possibly indefinitely. (One of those things is becoming aware of the energy body, and the other is healing past life trauma!) He found out what these techniques are by interviewing eight people who were over 300 years old each.  He also tells us where they are, and how to find them.  Many have a physical address on earth, and as you might suspect, many of them are in India.  
Come listen as I discuss this fascinating possiblity of human immortality.