Summer Bacon is a trance medium who channels departed loved ones as well as the world famous Dr. Peebles. 
Summer says, "Every month in Sedona, AZ, I stand in front of nearly 100 people to talk about how, even in a world filled with turmoil, they can live a balanced life, and life has purpose and meaning, no matter how "bad" things get. I often speak as one who has "been there, done that." For instance, I am a college educated woman (UCLA) who has been married four times, suffered a decade of spousal abuse, raised two daughters, and is among the many who lost their homes and filed bankruptcy in the last year. But, I'm still standing, and have the joyful opportunity to teach what I have learned along the way. I believe that our universe was not only created by a higher intelligence, but is a playground of opportunity where the learning never ends, and we are all energetically connected as one family...
...My story is not ordinary. I have had out of body experiences, close physical encounters with ETs, two visitations from Jesus, who saved me from committing suicide and told me when I would be set free from my abusive marriage, and I have done remote viewings, ghost busting, and thousands of psychic and channeled readings for an international client base. I have also held wonderful "normal" jobs such as managing my family's state-of-the-art recording studio in the 80s, working as Prize Coordinator for the game show Super Password, and owned and operated my own graphic design company....
My mission is NOT to prove the existence of God and Spirit to anyone, but rather to help demystify mysticism in order to empower people to create their own relationship with God and Spirit."