Today we will be talking about two things.  Relocation, as in, moving somewhere else...or else an internal shift of great enough proportions to move us profoundly in our lives--as though we had relocated physically.
The other thing we will be discussing is bilocation, or being in more than one place at a time.  This is possible through remote viewing.
Come have a listen as Lois talks about both these topics today. Please call in if you have questions!
Lois J Wetzel, Master of Fine Arts', primary website is Hot Pink
Her books can be found on Amazon/Kindle.  These include her book on past life readings she has done over the past 20 years, "Akashic Records: Case Studies," and her book on energy medicine, "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" Lois is considered an expert in both these fields.
Lois is still doing phone consultations,  past life readings and remote healing sessions. Visit Hot Pink for more information and scheduling a reading or healing.