Today Lois will be talking with her friend Melissa Lockwood, who teaches astrology and Tarot. Melissa, who has been reading Tarot for 30+ years, also does most of Lois' personal;Tarot readings.  
We will talk about current astrological trends, plus  Melissa's short and sweet astrological weekely forecast newsletter.We will also talk about the importance of finding your own "tribe." 
About Melissa: Melissa has had the near-death experience required of any true shaman, and has emerged with a deepened and pure, powerful ability to see that which is "unseen" to the average person.  She is a truly gifted healer, using her knowledge of Tarot and numerology along with her life experience as her healing tools. Melissa's readings are both informative and compassionate.
Melissa's clients report that she is very accurate. Often your spiritual Guides and Angelswill appear to Melissa with messages for you, whether the reading is in person or on the phone. Her ability to be a conduit to the Mystical Realms on behalf of her clients is a powerful and sacred experience.
Phone: 832-640-8666
[email protected] - for her newsletter list