Today's guest is Elaine Ireland.
We will be talking about the Tarot, and how the meanings of the cards have changed as the world itself has changed! And whatever else Spirit guides us to talk about.
Elaine says of herself, "I've been working as a practicing psychic for over forty years. That works has included teaching various levels of Tarot and psychic development, meditation, doing radio and television shows, participating in and producing psychic fairs, lectures and workshops across the nation."
Over the years Elaine has had the honor of helping families and police departments search for loved ones. Has this been a challenging gift? She says it has. Elaine also says sometimes it is a frightening gift, but that she would never change a single moment of service.  She is humbly grateful for the opportunity to have helped the clients who were led to her and her Guides for assistance.
Host Lois Wetzel has written three books which are on - Akashic Records: Case Studies, EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars, and Sacred Journeys and Vision Quests. All are on AMAZON.