Today we will be talking with Dr. Constance Rodriguez, author of the book, "Gifts of the Soul," published by Llewellyn. Dr. Rodriquez is a transpersonal psychologist with over 25 years experience. About her book Dr. Rodriguez says, "My book is mostly about ways to open to the inner world to make contact with your Soul self. So there are many ways to do this, dreams are one of the portals or doorways that the Soul self uses to guide us on our path. I like talking about the need to clear the subtle energy body and keep it protected from unwanted energies as well. This allows the soul/spirit connect to stay clear and open, like a radio tuned to the perfect station. When we have the subtle energy body fine tuned, we are able to receive guidance from the invisible worlds which I call the Mystic Realms in my book: Gifts of the Soul."

Come listen as this fascinating, warm person discusses how we can "experience the mystical in everyday life."