It seems to me that a lot of people are dealing with issues surrounding past lives lately.  I am one of them. The time is ripe to get as much of it balanced as possible, for if Dr. Carl Calleman is right and the pivotal point is October 28, 2011, and not December 21, 2012, then we seriously need to get as much of it done as we can.  I do not know what, if anything, is going to happen on that pivotal day; maybe it's just the peak in some kind of giant bell curve as Kryon suggests that it is.  

I have a book out on Amazon and Kindle entitled, "Akashic Records: Case Studies" which is about this very topic.
With me on this day will be musician Bianca Finkler of the Nightfall Project in The Netherlands and William Herbert, organic farmer and spiritual thinker in Wallkill, New York. Also Shelby Miles will talk with us for a bit.  She has recently had a powerful experience with a seed lifetime, and has written a book about it. Please call in if you have something to contribute!
And so...we will be talking about some heavy duty past life sh*t that has been coming down the pike lately.  Come listen.  I guarantee you will learn something, as always!