Website: Hot Pink Lotus
Lois Wetzel, MFA, artist, author, and Delphi Class Mystic (according to astrologer and psychiatrist, Mitchell Gibson, MD) who is the host of this show, hardly ever just talks about herself.  Today will be an exception.  No telling what will come up. We will definitely talk about following guidance, since that is "up" for so many people right now, Lois included...
Lois' Books: "Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives"
and  "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!"
Both books are available on Kindle and "Akashic Records" is available in paperback.
Lois still does past life readings.  Go to the Hot Pink Lotus website to learn more about these. She also offers consultations.
Lois occasionally publishes articles in "Sedona Journal" under the pen name "Lotus Fire"  In these articles she has channeled Archangel Gabriel.