Density is not to blame; Defund Police & PLAN-demic Part II with Matt Elliott 

Matt Elliott is a Toronto-based freelance contributing columnist for the Toronto Star, also writes for CBC Toronto, and is the author of City Hall Watcher, an independent City Hall newsletter. You can follow him on twitter @graphicmatt

In this episode we go over the ideas around Defunding the police, the effects the lockdown and the pandemic is having on the future of the city, debunk the idea that density is a multiplier variable for Covid-19 (it's poverty) discuss developer exploitation, sidewalk labs, the fate of the financial district, and much more. We go deep and it's interesting!

Cited in this cast

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Toronto Star: Matt Elliott's Column

COVID-19 hot spots shouldn’t make us rethink cities. They should make us rethink poverty

Globe & Mail: Ontario issues special orders to approve developers’ plans and quash opposition

Toronto Star: With investors shying away from condos, developers are marketing to end users

Toronto Public Health: COVID-19: Status of Cases in Toronto

HuffPost: Rich Torontonians Eyeing An Exodus From City After Pandemic: Agency


Launched in April 2020, Lockdown Toronto is a new vodcast/podcast series hosted by Robert Andreacchi that focuses on the experience of living under lock down in Toronto. Lockdown Toronto will feature various guests from the medical, political, cultural, and business community, and everyone in-between.

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