Police mafia tactics? Defund the police? What is going on?

Toronto City Councillor Shelley Carroll, Ward 17 Don Valley North joins Lockdown Toronto to discuss the challenges of democratic process in the time of lockdown, including developers gaming the crisis to their advantage, technical limitations, and public engagement.

Councillor Carroll was also a long-time member of the Police Services Board and oversaw their budgeting and speaks to the concept and different models of what 'defunding police' looks like. She also discussed the nature of Toronto Police, how they have targeted her and her family in the past, necessary reforms, the outgoing Police Chief, and other Police Politics.

The "Camden Model" of defunding police examined in this show:


Cited in this show is the "density done right" report which is worth a read on that subject:


It is a fascinating show and worth a listen.

You can reach Councillor Carroll at one of the links below.




Launched in April 2020, Lockdown Toronto is a new vodcast/podcast series hosted by Robert Andreacchi that focuses on the experience of living under lock down in Toronto. Lockdown Toronto will feature various guests from the medical, political, cultural, and business community, and everyone in-between.

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