Follow your passion - but sometimes I think fuck it and do that anyway. Write a lengthy business plan - the longer you spend in theory the more bogged down with the details you will become - focus on the product first. What is it and why is it good.Raise investmentTake a courseJoin an acceleratorMake sure your business name is perfectCreate the perfect brand - invest in a big graphic design agency to create your brand logo and brand guidelines.Spend a lot of money building a websiteCreate a mission statement and a company vision statementPeople will/won’t buy what you are trying to sellStart a community around an idea MVP you should be embarrassed of your first version of your product Talk to everyone who’s in your network that's relatively similar - should be focussed on action. Try to get PR for your business launch

Good bits of advice

Try to make a sale as soon as possible with a small group Figure out who your target audience/customer is and where they can be advertised to or contactedOutsource the work you can’t do yourself - but shop around for it