“The best bits of the Navy without the b******s!” That’s Bill’s take on the Royal Naval Association (RNA). 

From boy scout to sailor, for Bill it’s been “loads of ships and lots of people.” Having Served in the Royal Navy for 37 years from the age of 18 and now CEO of the RNA, Bill spent 20 years at sea and then found himself “in Army pyjamas as much as Navy uniform.” 

Bill likes a challenge and his latest is refreshing the RNA to help members through the pandemic and beyond and to get Serving people involved from early on during their Service, ready to support them when they become Veterans. 

We caught up with Bill just before Christmas and here’s what he had to say…

To get in touch with the RNA:

 Office phone: 023 92 723 747 

 Helpline: 07542 680 082 

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This podcast is supported by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity.

If you’re a member of the Armed Forces community and need support with your mental health, Op Courage can help.

Or you could phone the Combat Stress Helpline on: 0800 138 1619

Company of Makers exists to support veterans and their families who are struggling on civvy street no matter how long ago they left the armed forces.

We do this by running a programme of Podcasts | Talks | Workshops.

Company of Makers are trying to reach, and better understand, all members of the armed forces community who are also gamers. We’re especially interested in those that have served in conflicts over the last 30 years.

To find out more contact us.