On the Roundup today… Victoria’s Local Government minister to take leave for health reasons; two mayors challenge each others’ communities to a vaccination race; Sydney mayors rejected by the NSW Premier; and the result of a review into Brisbane Council’s bird management policies after the tragic death of a baby. 

Just some of the stories ahead on the Roundup, which is brought to you by the Victorian Local Governance Association, home of the VLGA Connect series of podcasts and YouTube programs; 

And by Hunt & Hunt Lawyers - providing advice to help Councils achieve the best for their communities.

Vic LG Minister to take leave
Maribyrnong welcomes new tram facility
Single use plastics policy adopted in Maribyrnong
Stonnington cyber attack puts systems offline
Buloke and Queenscliffe vaccination race challenge
Sydney mayors rejected by NSW Premier
NSW campaign for local government workers to get vaccinated
Nominations open for WA Council elections
NT council election results
Brisbane to be more proactive with dangerous birds ABC report; SMH report
Liverpool Mayor welcomes refugee job-seeking report
New directors appointed at Wingecarribee
Research funded to combat mouse plagues
Inner West commits compensation funds to local projects
UK: Massive investment in affordable housing
NZ: new panel member for local government future review

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The Local Government News Roundup is brought to you by the Victorian Local Governance Association, the national broadcaster on all things local government.

Links for stories referenced in the podcast can be found in the transcript, or by visiting the Roundup website.