Our mogul guest filled Jeanna’s soul up in this Uncorked episode! Unbound? Uncorked?  We go together like peanut butter and jelly!  Holli strikes up a sisterhood with the beautiful, talented Nicola Humber by showcasing similar Human Design profiles and shared finance backgrounds. 

Nicola’s purpose is to help you create your unbound life and express your true self.  She explains what she means and highlights her journey all the while inspiring us to unbind ourselves.  Unbinding is a continual process.  Nicola answers the question: are we ever truly unbound?

She is committed to holding space for a transformational journey so women can write their book. When we try to map everything out in the beginning we don’t leave space for the magic to happen.  She says we don’t need to be an expert or have everything all figured out to write THAT book!  And by all means, we don’t have to go it alone, life is richer with support.  With her community of authors and unbound writers, it is incredible to witness the magic of when women come together and support one another.  It changes everything.

More about Nicola:

Nicola Humber is the author of Heal Your Inner Good Girl, UNBOUND and Unbound Writing. She's also the founder of The Unbound Press, a soul-led publishing imprint for unbound women.

After playing the archetypal good girl up until her mid-thirties, Nicola left her 'proper' job in finance to retrain as a coach and hypnotherapist and this leap of faith led her to what she does now: activating recovering good girls to embrace their so-called imperfections and shake off the tyranny of 'shoulds', so they can be their fullest, freest, most magnificent selves.

Nicola helps women to write the book their Unbound Self is calling them to write, whilst growing a community of soul-family readers and clients. She currently lives in Southampton in the UK with her husband, Mark.

LOA Uncorked Assignment: Join the LOA community, subscribe at www.loauncorked.com Take the first step with whatever you are trying to create!

Podcast References:

The Unbound Press Website: https://www.theunboundpress.com/ Nicola’s website:  https://nicolahumber.com/ Her incredible books:  https://www.amazon.com/Nicola-Humber/e/B01KV7IAN0?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1670438987&sr=8-1


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