There is an LOA Uncorked war cry on this defective system - lather, rinse, repeat cycle - take the suffering out and replace it with joy.  We say stop wearing our exhaustion as a badge of honor.  Our system rewards the busy.  Rest is scary. Joseph schools us on time in this epic podcast.

Champagne fountains and four letter words - we hit it all with best Selling Author of Rest - the Art of Doing Less, Word After Word poems(created during COVID), Twenty Years Later assemblage of art. 

We question the stories we tell ourselves about time - what is our current language around time.

Joseph’s promise to the listeners that the monsters in the closet are less scary when we face them versus when we ignore them, drink them or binge them away.

Joy is a choice, a muscle and a practice. Invite things that you are joyful for or thankful for.  

Step into the magic of stepping away.  The spaciousness you receive when you walk away - the problem solves easily and effortlessly.

More about Joseph Bennett:

Joseph Bennett lives in San Miguel de Allende, México where he co-facilitates writing, wellness and theatre retreats with his husband Eli Hans. Joseph co-hosts the podcast "Are You Waiting for Permission?" with Meridith Grundei and he recently released the #1 best seller "Rest, The Art of Doing Less" 

Today, August 6th, Joseph is celebrating his birthday by being on our podcast, and releasing his first collection of poetry "word after word". 

Connect with him at or

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Podcast References:

Website: Retreats Website: Amazon Books: Meridith and Joseph's podcast Are You Waiting For Permission:

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