Listen Up  LOAers, if we all put those cooperation glasses on we would all feel supremely safe and supported which is the most important factor for a teams coherence. We are all in this together and instead of you versus me, it becomes you and me.

The invitation is to quarantine your emotions so you are not verbally vomiting on other people.  You deserve to find somebody who will cherish you but first you need to cherish yourself.  The more we cherish ourselves, the bigger the smile is, the more our light shines and the greater capacity we have to be the human beings we were intended to become.

We share with Jennifer our devotion for energy medicine.  Jennifer co-created a platform that we say is badass and revolutionary.  Ever wonder why your friend likes an energy healer or psychic and you don’t? Jennifer explains this and more! The Om-Heals platform matches energy medicine practitioners with users from around the world with a specific algorithm to match up energy perfection.  You and your friend may be the same vibration but have a different energetic blueprint.  We are not all the same and with Om-Heals algorithm we can be matched energetically with healers that have your same blueprint.  Wooohooo!

Don Hoffman:

Barbara Max Hubbard:

More about Jennifer K Hill:

Jennifer was a solo entrepreneur who sold her legal staffing company in 2018 to Marcum Search LLC (a subsidiary of Marcum LLP).  She hosts a digital show on Awake TV on higher consciousness with such influential guests as Deepak Chopra, Brue Lipton, et al.   She also regularly speaks at conferences around the world on spirituality and leadership and has authored two books: one on spiritual tools to achieve a successful life and another on career development and finding purpose.  Jennifer has been using energy medicine and holistic healing modalities for more than 10 years. She has a BA from University of California Irvine.  She has a BA from University of California Irvine. Evolutionary Leader/CEO/HeartMath Certified Trainer/Author/Entrepreneur/ Key-Note Speaker/Trainer/Business Coach

LOA Uncorked Assignment:

Check out Om-Heals, do the quiz and get your enery match!

Podcast References:

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