LOAers now you know if an opening of an LOA Uncorked episode includes a WOWZA, both Jeanna and Holli are rendered speechless, and Holli is proactively self reporting her intent to stalk our gorgeous guest this is an epic episode!  

Gorgeous goddess & Dame Sandra Biskind and her husband, Daniel Biskind, welcomed us into their home in Southern California for this episode so please check it out on the LOA Uncorked YouTube channel (and subscribe ;)!  Be prepared to find out the truth of who you are and how to show up in the frequency of wholeness. We learn that neutrality is enlightenment which means we are trigger free.  Whoa, hold on, much to their astonishment, Holli and Jeanna achieve enlightenment after being patched up by Sandra.   Trust us, you will want to watch the impromptu LifeWave patching!

Sandra is a force!  She is a spiritual thought leader, teacher of life mastery and personal development, high-frequency catalyst, international #1 bestselling author of CodeBreaker, and a global inspirational speaker.  She shares her process to master your frequency, all about healing phototherapy LifeWave patches that harness our own light and healing power, and the love story she shares with Daniel.  

More about Sandra:

Sandra Biskind is a global thought leader, international speaker, spiritual mentor and #1 bestselling author.

She has a unique gift to identify and eradicate the unconscious programs that undermine success—instantly amplifying her client’s ability to live freely and thrive.

Sandra and her husband Daniel created a multi-global award-winning retreat in New Zealand, named the World’s Best Luxury Coastal Hotel in 2010.

Sandra Biskind offers a rare combination of business savvy,

transformational leadership and soul enrichment. With her down-to-earth wisdom coupled with her multi-dimensional gifts, she creates profound sustainable shifts.

Sandra is committed to working with leaders who are passionate about attaining the next level of success and making a global impact.

“Known for solving unsolvable problems”, Jack Canfield said, “She is a profound healer, trainer, speaker and author who does some incredible transformational work. I’ve experienced her work and found it truly life changing — so much so I had her work with my entire staff with magical results. She has an amazing ability to shift energy and remove unconscious blocks on very deep levels.

Her unconditional love, joy and radiance fills the room. She is the real deal and I highly recommend her and her work.” — Jack Canfield,

Using her unprecedented laser-like techniques, Sandra takes the brakes off your unconscious, freeing you to accelerate into the thrilling experience of a life without limits.

This episode is packed with the stories of an incredible goddess, a force for healing and kindness in this world.  As you will hear in the episode, Sandra says that ‘love and light is the foundation of everything I do’. After this episode, we are certain you’ll agree with Holli and Jeanna that her love and light is endless and powerful!

LOA Uncorked Assignment:

Check out LifeWave and if you are interested in ordering please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at loauncorked.com or visit our LifeWave site! Sandra’s steps to master your frequency - ask yourself these four questions: What am I feeling? What am I focused on? What do I want to feel? What focus will serve that? As Dame Sandra does, claim the kind in kindness! :)

Podcast References:

Sandra’s website CodeBreaker book LOA Uncorked LifeWave Site