LOAers - if a part of your personal development work includes living authentically and connected to your whole self, resilience, and heart and soul. She reminds us all that stuck energy needs a release and the healthiest thing we can all do is feel it and release it…even if that means an ugly cry that others see.  Dr. Valerie defines emotional freedom, boundaries, and the importance of compassionate communication.

More about Valerie:

Valerie Sheppard is a catastrophic-stroke survivor, inspirational keynote speaker, university lecturer, and CEO of The Heartly Center for Mindfulness and Self-Mastery™. Valerie uses the principles and practices in her multi award-winning, #1 international best-seller, Living Happy to Be ME!© as the centerpiece of her transformational practice, which is helping young people and adults, executives and entrepreneurs experience more happiness, success and fulfillment.

Valerie helps young adults de-stress and meet life’s ups and downs with more courage, confidence, inner peace and happiness. She is passionate about guiding clients to more happiness, success and fulfillment. Using the spiritual 4-Step process she created from her own journey of transformation, her clients are healing from the past, reprogramming negative conditioning, and creating more vibrant lives and thriving businesses.

Valerie is especially thrilled, honored, grateful and committed to heart-centered leadership, demonstrated impact on entrepreneurial excellence, and positive contribution to the vibration of the planet.

Both Holli and Jeanna were so incredibly moved and impacted by the conversation with Dr. Valerie Sheppard.  Her accomplishments, the way she models wholeness, and the way she walks in this world is breathtaking to witness.  If you can, please consider watching this episode on our LOA Uncorked YouTube channel - seeing Dr Sheppard will be a beautiful testimonial of all her personal development and model wholeness for us all.  She reminds us that our lives are a hologram of our own design.  Design intentionally, LOAers!

Podcast References:


Valerie’s Website

Living Happy to Be Me Book

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