LOAers, this episode starts out with Holli’s true confessions and gets to the root of her first foray into stalking…..although not shocked, but clearly news to Jeanna, she as always was well prepared to support our very special guest Nancy Levin!   

The host of Your Permission Prescription Podcast had her pad of prescriptions ready and generously doled out advice, counsel and many ah-ha moments.  The conversation expanded around what boundaries are, who is responsible for holding those boundaries and how it feels to not have any boundaries.  She answers the question whether you can have solid healthy boundaries in one area of your life and loose boundaries in another.  If you were the type to run around at work doing everything, being everything and priding yourself on being the ultimate chameleon, listen up, that ain’t healthy!  Holli realizes she has never had boundaries at work and prided herself in being super woman.  While Jeanna embraced Nancy’s first question, “can you put your needs at least equal to others.”  We are preparing ourselves for the Ninja Move where you consider your needs first!!!  Whoa!  Pause. Feel the discomfort in that statement and consider the Ninja Move for yourself.  We think Nancy is a badass boss and we are very excited to share her wisdom! 

More about Nancy:

Bestselling author, master life coach, founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, and host of Your Permission Prescription Podcast!

Through her programs, including her Destination ME group coaching membership, she offers in-depth guidance and training designed to support students and clients to make themselves a priority and set boundaries that stick.

She has guided thousands of people — from corporate CEOs to stay-at-home moms, authors, artists, healers, entrepreneurs and other coaches — to uncover their truth in the most powerful ways, and she has witnessed them do some pretty amazing things.

She knows both personally and professionally what happens when you finally step up and find the courage to change.

Nancy’s books:

Setting Boundaries will Set You Free Permission to Put Yourself First Worthy: Boost Your Self Worth to Grow Your Net Worth Jump….and Your Life will Appear Writing for my Life….Reclaiming the Lost Pieces of Me

Podcast References:




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