I received the following email from the wife (Kate) of today's guest (#33), Pete Farmer.

I just stumbled across your website and podcast and couldn't help but think of our little business, Farmer Foot Drums, and my husband Pete Farmer. We built this business from scratch and it has been an incredible labor of love to see a dream and passion through. Pete is hands down the most determined, motivated, creative and passionate person I know - he is a self-taught designer, engineer, craftsman and musician. He has designed and created truly unique musical instruments and started a web retail business without any formal education in music, business, website, or graphic design. We now have three young children and I am on board (part-time) and it is now a true family business.

Wow, right?

As you can imagine, I replied immediately and a few weeks later, Pete and I were talking!

Pete's passion: Giving tools to musicians to express themselves musically. As it turns out - right now - these tools are FOOT DRUMS.

In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page.

Are you ready to learn more about Pete's passion for foot drums?

During this episode ...

Pete talked about The Gold Rush (a few times).
Pete shared how he became interested in foot drums ... and explained what a foot drum is!
You will quickly learn how freaking NICE Pete is.
You will meet Pete's 4-year old George (maybe not meet, but you will hear him!).
Pete through me for a loop when he talked about being interested in building during his childhood ... not necessarily music.
We talked about Nick Offerman (aka Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec) ... though neither of us were able to recall his name in real time!
Pete shared how he found his passion pretty early on in life - or so he thought.
Pete talked about how 2008 was a crazy year - both personally and professionally.
Pete basically said to NOT do what I did. Ha!
We talked about beer and Michigan football in the #NotSoSecretSecretShow
In fact, we had quite a discussion in the #NotSoSecretSecretShow

More About Pete

According to the Farmer Foot Drums about page, Pete is "a teacher and historian by trade, Pete is a self-taught musician, craftsman, and businessman, following his passions for music, design, and working with his hands. He is the brains behind all Farmer Foot Drum instruments and singlehandedly turned the ideas in his head into a full-time business. He works with intense focus and dedication and has been known to lose all sense of time and forget to eat when he gets going."

Links Discussed In This Episode

Farmer Foot Drums - Pete's website

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Finally, if you know someone who bleeds passion (or maybe it’s you), please email me at djwaldow at gmail dot com. Oh, and if you have a connection to LeBron James, please let me know. I think he’d be a great person to talk to about his passion for basketball. #DeadSerious