When I asked Mitch Jackson (today's guest - #24) how he was doing, he said, "if I was any better it would be illegal."


And that's how we began today's conversation.

And yet ANOTHER Tim McDonald introduction. Not to take anything away from this episode, but you have to check out the Living Your Passion episode I recorded with Tim.

Mitch is passionate about a lot of things including helping others and being the custodian of the communities legal and ethical sense. He also loves social media, connecting with other people, building other companies, and helping people achieve success. If all goes as planned, Mitch brings all aformentioned passions into the trial lawyer arena.

But to make things a bit more concise, Mitch is passionate about helping people become remarkable communicators.

In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page.

Are you ready to learn more about becoming a more remarkable communicator?

During this episode ...

Mitch shared a great story about "one of the wisest, smartest guys" Mitch has ever met ... his father-in-law, "Mike the Milkman."
We discussed the many passions of Mitch Jackson.
Mitch talked about how he blends his passions with his practice as a trial lawyer.
Mitch showcased his ability to NOT say "uhs" and "umms" and "likes." He's a super-polished speaker!
We talked about story-telling, voice inflection, where you stand, and so on ...
We discussed putting in the time ... doing the work ... in order to see real results.
I talked about how Mitch won the CLAY (California Lawyer of the Year) in 2013.
We talked about picking juries and speed dating in the #NotSoSecretSecret portion of the show.

More About Mitch

CA Lawyer of the Year (CLAY Award) | OC Trial Lawyer of the Year | CEO Human.Social (digital relationship strategists). Learn more about Mitch on Twitter.

Links Discussed In This Episode

Jackson and Mitchell - Mitch's law firm
Human.Social - Mitch's new venture
Mitch was named one of California's Lawyers of the Year (in 2013). Check it out!
Bryan Kramer's #H2H book

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Finally, if you know someone who bleeds passion (or maybe it’s you), please email me at djwaldow at gmail dot com. Oh, and if you have a connection to LeBron James, please let me know. I think he’d be a great person to talk to about his passion for basketball. #DeadSerious

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