Lots of firsts in today's episode, #22.

Ilma Nausedaite is the show's first guest from Lithuiania (but second guest I've interviewed from the Baltic States).

Additionally, this was Ilma's first time recording a podcast (she was great!).

Like many past guests, Ilma has a few passions (including art), but the one that really stands out is TRAVELING. She's been to the United States, traveled to many countries in Europe, visited India, and is planning a trip to Colombia. In fact, her and her husband travel a few months every winter ... with their 3-year old son!

In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page.

Are you ready to hear about travel?

During this episode ...

We chatted about how we met each other ... and first connected (through email marketing!).
Ilma stated that having children is NOT an excuse to not travel.
We discussed how travel is the common theme for all of her other passions (including art).
Ilma shared how her trip to India changed her life.
We talked about "just quitting your job" ...
Ilma gave some great advice about how to learn more about your passion.
I got lost for a few minutes in Ilma's Instagram feed.

More About Ilma

CMO at @MailerLite, email marketing software for small business. Art lover, travel addict, powered by coffee. Find out more on Twitter.

Links Discussed In This Episode

Ilma on Instagram
Ilma on Twitter
Mailer Lite - the company she founded (current CMO)

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Finally, if you know someone who bleeds passion (or maybe it’s you), please email me at djwaldow at gmail dot com. Oh, and if you have a connection to LeBron James, please let me know. I think he’d be a great person to talk to about his passion for basketball. #DeadSerious

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